The special theory of relativity has been shown to be false by many writers since its introduction by Albert Einstein in 1905.
In fact, the literature containing number of articles, books that have been written exposing the false character of relativity is very extensive and will be briefly reviewed here. It is not difficult to see that the major sources of the disputes regarding the legitimacy and truth of Einstein’s theory of relativity are of every kind, philosophical, metaphysical, scientific and mathematical. Mere mathematical abstraction based on false tenets does not provide any validity to theory. Investigations into the theory of relativity reveal that the theory is not strictly scientific in its conception, but is primarily based upon false metaphysical presuppositions regarding the nature of energy, time and space. These arguments have involved the philosophy, physics, mathematics, and experimental verification of the theory. By constructing a perpetual motion machine which creates energy out of nothing, a perpetual motionists can easily demonstrate that in all areas the theory of relativity and the equation E=MC2 is fallacious. The purpose of this background will be to review the main points of the disagreement. The fundamental proposition of relativity is that a metaphysical conception of time and space is demanded by a philosophical principle formulated as a scientific law of nature. The theory does this by introducing a postulate of relativity, which has the force of a natural law. Unfortunately, this principle of relativity is ambiguous and unclear, and was presented by Einstein in different forms and interpretations.
A number of scholarly articles on the philosophical aspects of relativity have appeared in the past. The psychologists C. S. Meyers expressed the view that the effect of the dematerialization of matter which relativity suggested would enable us to better understand the interaction between psychic and neutral energy[i].
The main purpose of the approach taken here will be to refute the philosophical viewpoint regarding the metaphysical implications of the equation E=MC2 and other tenets of relativity by showing that the philosophical basis used in the equation and relativity theory are not consistent with the Vedanta philosophy. Firstly, the assertions that object has definite amount of energy exactly equal to mass multiplied by the square of velocity of light leads to confusion and misunderstanding about true nature of energy independent of matter. The main point addressed is that the equation by considering matter and energy as identical describes a reality parallel to monotheism of the religion only in a confused manner. In fact, the equation seems to describe about a reality which is essentially discrete, divided and finite, the same thing which Vedanta calls as ‘Maya’, or have the same meaning. Maya contrary to Brihma is materialistic phenomenon subject to change, thus does not represent a true ultimate reality that is what the philosophy of relativity shows. All Religion asserts about an ultimate reality which is inexhaustible and indescribable in true sense. The Einstein’s equation only shows that matter has tremendous amount of energy and it fails to predict the truth about the pure energy which is independent of matter, inexhaustible and present everywhere.
Secondly, mathematics used to invent the equation is merely serves as a language, in the words of the professor Dingle it is just “a medium for expressing ideas, and it is just as capable of expressing false ideas as true ones. The fact, therefore, that something can be expressed with rigorous mathematical exactitude tells you nothing at all about its truth, i.e. about its relation to nature, or to what we can experience.” therefore, relativity does not preach a true religion.
Human mind is yet jungle primeval in matters of ultimate mysteries of energy and Universe. Einstein’s equation does not describe reality of ultimate nature of energy. There may be even an uncertainty principle connected with being or reality, as Einstein suggested when he distinguished reality from certainty, saying, “as far as the propositions of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain, and in so far as they are certain they do not refer to reality.”
I do not understand Einstein well enough to venture to risk a criticism, but I am very much sure that his Special theory of relativity does not help to the understanding of the perpetual motion. The failure of science to discover perpetual motion is rooted in over reliance of scientist on philosophy and scientific works of Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, Helmholtz and Einstein. Success or validity of perpetual motion is rooted in the first idea of religion (creation exnihlio) and mysticism which has its own history. In an attempt to glorify the law of conservation of energy, its great founders and their fan scientists have surpassed even devotion of religious disciples to their spiritual masters. Einstein, whose relativity theory exposed limitations of Newtonian mechanics, once spoke of the laws of thermodynamics as the only scientific principles he had real confidence would remain unaltered as science continued to progress.[ii] Einstein himself being the inventor of E=MC2 has contributed to the development of law of conservation of energy. There was a time when physics was governed by two fundamental laws separately- conservation of energy and conservation of matter. Neither energy nor matter could be created or destroyed; the total amount was separately conserved. And that time atom was considered to be the smallest particle of matter, basically unchangeable and indestructible. The advent of the theory of relativity claimed to bring about the radical change in these ideas. Einstein demonstrated that matter was just another form of energy and not separately conserved: Matter could be created out of the energy of radiation and matter could again be destroyed and transformed into in energy of radiation. Whatever be the case, Einstein said that energy has mass.
In spiritual domain, monism, and dualism have been debated since long time. With works of Helmholtz and Einstein, science gradually began to follow the footsteps of monotheistic religion. Helmhotz proposed that different forms of energy are interchangeable into each other. In Newtonian mechanics dualism of matter and force existed: Matter is that on which forces can act, or matter can produce forces. Matter, for example produces the force of gravity, and this force acts on matter. Matter and forces were two distinctly different aspects of the corporeal world but in the recent advancement of modern physics this difference between matter and force has vanished. Now physicist takes pride in telling us that every field of force containing energy and in so far constitutes matter. To every field of force there belongs a specific kind of elementary particles which in essence show the same properties as all other atomic units of matter.
Deva Ramananda remarks:
“Nature imposes no limitations on working of machines and their efficiency. There are countless natural forces in the vast store of Nature challenging man to discover their properties in a correct manner and employ them to perform works by using his ingenuity. Learning is a gradual progress. From learning that heat is a form of motion to the knowledge that mass and energy are essentially same as shown by Einstein’s equation E=MC2, scientists have made a remarkable progress in understanding of energy, but as far as ultimate nature of energy is concerned, scientists have yet to go a long way until they realize what Vedic Rhisis realized thousands of years ago. In Isopanisad’s invocation Vedic Rhisis consider ‘Void’ as inexhaustible source of energy to show that energy is infinite everywhere, but Einstein famous equation, E=MC2 only shows that matter has tremendous energy, it fails to indicate anything about ultimate reality which is inexhaustible, infinite independent of matter and form.”
Around 1879 Tolstoy said: “True religion is that relationship, in accordance with reason and knowledge, which man establishes with the infinite world around him, and which binds his life to that infinity and guides his actions. ... From this relationship follows man's purpose, which lies in increasing his spiritual qualities, and man's purpose leads to the practical rules of the law: do to others as you would have them do unto you.”
Mahatma Gandhi said: (1869-1948) 'Truth alone is eternal, everything else is momentary. It is more correct to say that Truth is God, than to say that God is Truth. ... All life comes from the one universal source, call it Allah, God or Parmeshwara.'
Stoic philosopher Zeno- (333-262BC) said: “God is not separate from the world; He is the soul of the world, and each of us contains a part of the Divine Fire. ... All things are parts of one single system, which is called Nature.”
We are part of the universe, and the universe is part of us. Einstein was also close to the truth (?)when he wrote:
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
In his theory of relativity, Einstein transcended principle of conservation of energy into E=MC2, whereby matter became a form of energy, however, Einstein could not free himself from a world outlook that was essentially materialistic. Under influence of principle of conservation of energy, he could never conceive a reality by which ‘something can be produced from nothing’ that is essentially demonstrated by principle of perpetual motion. Einstein himself could not free himself from the perception of discreteness of objects for his vision was restricted by the equation E = MC2. He saw objects of different masses and their corresponding energies in proportion as dictated by his equation. It is true that some physical quantities seem to have a twin nature: the wave-particle nature of light; also space and time. Similar case is of duality of mass and energy, but equivalence of energy and mass in quantitative terms as dictated by E=MC2 is only a mathematical fiction; it has no reality.
Einstein was not in search of absolute or the ultimate reality similar to one that is experienced by Vedic sages, for that Einstein had to take into account all dimensions, i.e. the physical, psychological as well as spiritual dimensions. Since as a physicist he was dealing with materialistic realm he did not take into account the spiritual dimension, he constantly remained in a relative paradigm that was subject to frequent changes. That is why we find his field equations being changed frequently. That is why he lamented over his greatest blunder of considering the universe to be static. His field equations changed from time to time but we know that nature of gravity is something comparable to the nature of ‘Brihma’ not subject to change and is absolute. That is why nature of gravity remains constant throughout, though the manner of its action on the objects and its application can change according to design and time. Of course, by his ground breaking works such as E=MC2 Einstein is said to have set a new paradigm for material science. However the spiritual knowledge accessed remained just at the mental level. The reason for this was that despite a well above average spiritual level, Albert Einstein did not have a good base of spiritual thinking and understanding as Vedantist has. Since Einstein functioned in a state of relativity, not absoluteness, his perception of the ultimate reality does not match with tenets of Vedanta and perpetual motion. In his old age also he remained always unsatisfied in the search of a unified field theory. Failure to achieve that gave him a feeling of incompleteness even at the mental level; therefore, it would be a mistake to regard Einstein as an enlightened master.
Any one who seeks truth or is an aspirant of realizing the ‘ultimate reality’ receives the enlightenment only when he is able to cast off the bonds of materiality and veils of ignorance" in order to perceive directly the inexpressible nature of undifferentiated reality called as the “Brihma”. The physical world, as it appeared to the Einstein, an unenlightened man, consisted of many separate parts of certain mass and energy in proportion as dictated by his equation E=MC2. The mystic truly enlightened person realizes that these separate parts, however, are not really separate. In the state of grace/insight/samadhi/satori while the Yogi remains, each moment of enlightenment reveals to him that that everything—all the separate parts of the universe—are manifestations of the same whole. They possess the same infinite energy that the “whole” possesses. There is no need of any equation to represent that as there is only one reality, and it is whole and unified beyond relativity. The moment we represent it by some symbol, it becomes something else which is not ‘absolute’ but relative. The Ultimate reality is one present everywhere with infinite energy. If you are a perpetual motionist, you can draw the infinite energy out of nothing just by inventing a perpetual motion machine.
"Undifferentiated reality" expressed by “Brihma” is the same reality that every object is part of it; we are also a part of it. Though he knew this fact, the difference is that Einstein did not look at it in the same way as an enlightened mystic. On the contrary, in order to explore the reality, Einstein indulged excessively in mathematical symbols. Words and symbols are poor things. As everyone knows, they only represent something else due to veil of “Maya”. They are not real things. They are only symbols. Einstein though was brilliant and famous he still occupied an inferior position from a spiritual point of view. The issue is that Albert Einstein was not able to free himself from the materialistic conception of the world. He was curious to experience the spirituality but he failed to transcend his ‘cosmic religious feelings’ into a perfect realization of a mystic that of infinite oneness present everywhere independent of discrete mass. He also failed to translate his spiritual knowledge into an applied manner for spiritual progress of humanity. Though he was able to create a cult of relativists and a large number of followers but the thoughts he received from spiritual domain were not perfect and were inadequate to guide any one to have true experience of the ultimate reality, thus, we find a big difference between the experience of his scientific spirituality and ultimate experience of our sages in the state of ‘sachidananda’.
Regarding experimental confirmation of E=MC2, Einstein stated that “…It is not excluded that it will prove possible to test this theory using bodies whose energy content is variable to a high degree ( e.g., radium salts) ”[iii] Thus at that time Einstein had in his mind the loss of weight resulting from radioactive transformations.
In 1910, Einstein himself remarked….. “for the moment there is no hope whatsoever for the experimental verification of mass–energy equivalence”[iv].
According to Deva Ramananda, the equation E=MC2 becomes irrelevant when we realize truth of perpetual motion. Perpetual motion demonstrates that the mass without being converted into energy or vice-versa under some characteristic conditions of the close cycle process can serve as inexhaustible source of energy.
At transcendental level of pure energy, the difference of large and small, greater or lower ceases. There is no point in telling that large mass has more energy as compared to small mass. For example Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) writes, “Nothing exists in nature that does not resemble its origin. Every object in the natural world is a reflection of the self-same object in the world of spirit. Everything in itself is a perfect image of the total form of being. A drop of water contains the form and substance of the whole ocean.” The Sikh Guru had used this simile a long time before Swedenborg when he said, “The drop of water is the sea and the sea in the drop of water. How can we solve this riddle without knowing the secret?”[v] At another place he stated this more succinctly by saying, “Whatever is in the universe is also in the matter. Only the researchers understand this”[vi]
Deva Ramananda rejects relationship of work and force as shown by the physicists. He writes:
“Nature creates everything without effort. Her effort is equal in creating the lowliest amoeba and in creating the most highly evolved Homo sapiens. The making of a mountain costs her no more than the speck of dust, and making of the genius like Orffyreus costs to her no more than creating a fool like Einstein. From Vedantic or perpetual motion point of view, the energy of a speck of dust is same as that of mountain because both when set in perpetual motion can create infinite energy from the empty Void or nothingness. I can bet, be it a speck of dust or mountain, all that is required to make their energy inexhaustible is to set them in perpetual motion and majestic nature does it easily in its manifold phenomena so frequently, in fact, everything is in the state of the perpetual motion as an expression of inexhaustibleness of the void.”
Study of the perpetual motion is a rewarding adventure which leads you to understanding of the origin of energy and its natural laws. Perpetual motion is a new powerful tool of technology, and it can also serve as a revealing window on science, cosmology, and ourselves. But some old mainstream attitudes must be discarded, for instance, principle of conservation of energy.
Sir Arthur Eddington in his book the ‘Philosophy of Physical Science’, writes:
...................................................................“I believe there are 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468,044,717,914,
527,116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,296 (Figure: a ) protons in this universe and the same number of electrons!” Does it really prove anything? Yes, it means a lot to physicist. If above figure changes into 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468,044,717,914,527,
116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,297 (Figure: b) or 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468,044,717,914,527,
116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,295 (Figure: c) law of conservation of mass and energy will get violated as figure b indicates that one proton and one electron have been created in universe, similarly, figure c indicates that one proton and one electron have been destroyed in universe.
Currently Physics (and thus all science and other branches of knowledge) is founded on the principle of conservation of energy, which besides above assumption also assumes the existence of separate forms of matter, and separate forms of energy. It regards ‘creation of energy from nothing’ as impossible and only assumes a world in which different forms of energy transform into each other without any purpose. Economists also regard energy as a commodity for which price must be paid. This causes many problems to us because we are proponents of free energy.
Transformation of one form of energy into other, on a fixed quantitative numerical basis, is sole cause of trouble to us. In addition, the equation E=MC2 has many inherent contradictions, for example it does not answer whether the very process of transformation of one form of energy into other itself require any kind of expenditure of energy. E=MC2 equation only nurtures tunnel vision and ego of physicists, it compel them to see false images of reality as smaller or greater, superior or inferior with greater energy or lesser. It boosts up human bias, it blocks infinite capabilities of man and prevents him to see, experiment, and unite with ultimate, inexhaustible reservoir of energy. Falling into the error of multiplicity of energy, their transformations and considering them to be real is because of veil of Maya that arises from our ignorance. If you remain in veil of Maya, you will not reach to ultimate reality. Until you are caught into it, you have no chance of being transformed into your ultimate being. You will fail to realize your own Self. This failure arises due to our failure to comprehend a reality, which is One and ultimate behind all phenomena. To liberate yourself from the illusion of multiplicity, you have to discard all perceptions, which arise from your adherence to principle of conservation of energy. You have to discard this principle, which denies ‘creation of power from nothing’. If you have this courage, you are going to dance with full creativity, all potentialities and possibilities. I will repeat again, principle of conservation of energy is a hindrance to your material progress as well as spiritual. This principle inclines men's mind to atheism; but depth in perpetual motion philosophy guides men's minds towards a perfect religion. A true religion should unite us to one thing and thus bring harmony to humanity.
"The idea of the individual being linked to the cosmos is expressed in the Latin root of the word religion, 'religare' (to bind strongly), as well as the Sanskrit yoga, which means union.' (Fritjof Capra, 1974)
Albert Einstein said: 'The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. ... Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.'
Sant Kabir said: “Though One Brahman is the Cause of the Many. Behold but One in all things it is the second that leads you astray.”
Cosmic Harmony
The most important characteristic of the Eastern worldview - one could almost say the essence of it - is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. All things are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic whole; as different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. Universe springs from nothing and ultimately dissolves into nothing.
Perpetual motion which creates something from no-thing itself is the operative cause of everything. Religion is our connection to what exists and causes all things, universe, physical reality, thus, we become religious when we meditate on perpetual motion, and the creative aspects of reality.
In his Republic Plato remarked: “And those whose hearts are fixed on Reality itself deserve the title of Philosophers. ... When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence. ... What is at issue is the conversion of the mind from the twilight of error to the truth, that climbs up into the real world, which we shall call true philosophy.”[vii]
Definitely, Plato would find Einstein confused with his theory of relativity. He would neither consider Einstein as a real philosopher nor him an intelligent man because Einstein is interested not only in discreteness of objects, multiplicity of energy, their changes and decay of masses but also he considers them as ultimate reality and truth.
Aristotle (340BC) said: “Metaphysics is universal and is exclusively concerned with primary substance. And here we will have the science to study that which is, both in its essence and in the properties which, just as a thing that is, it has. That among entities there must be some cause which moves and combines things. There must then be a principle of such a kind that its substance is activity.”
Motion is the fundamental idea of physics. For that reason anything that sums up the legitimate motions of a system of bodies also sums up the laws of physics that apply to that system. The discovery of perpetual motion creates a radical perspective of the physical world, which ancient philosophers had also conceived. Puzzles and paradoxes are explained and, most important; relationships between microcosm and the universe (cosmology) are seen to be a result of an all-pervading creative process that constitutes perpetual motion. The most fundamental question in cosmology is, 'Where did the matter we see around us originate in the first place?' Perpetual motion provides a good answer to the question as it easily demonstrates creation of energy from no-thing.
[i] C. S. Meyers, On Consciousness, Proc. R: Soc. 1IIed., 18 (1925), p. 9-13.
[ii] Wysong, R.L., The Creation-Evolution Controversy (East Lansing, MI: Inquiry Press, 1976).
[iii] Einstein, A. Annalen der Physik 18 639-641 (1905).
Quoted by Ajay Sharma in his paper Einstein’s Light Energy-Mass equation (L = c2Δm) Contradicts the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy, and Alternate Equation ΔE = Ac2 ΔM, Journal of Theoretics
[iv] 6. Einstein, A. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. 29, 5, 125 (1910), see esp. pp. 144
[v] Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib p.878.
[vi] Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib P. 695
[vii] Plato, Republic, 380BC