…………let us cease to over praise Einstein and his theory of relativity as 20th century is already over. Much of what is written about Einstein is admittedly hagiographic.  Let us look forward. A century of his praise and worship is more than enough, and now at the dawn of 21st century, we need to develop better model of excellence to replace Einstein’s theory, we need to create better paradigm based on perpetual motion and free energy.  We need to topple his religion and establish better standards of scientific enquiry if we are really sincere to the progress of physics in 21st century.


Work on relativity remained controversial for many years since its introduction by Albert Einstein in 1905.  Wikipedia states: “Criticism of Albert Einstein's relativity theory was mainly expressed in the early years after its publication on a scientific, pseudoscientific, philosophical, or ideological basis. Reasons for criticism were, for example, alternative theories, rejection of the abstract-mathematical method, misunderstandings, and alleged errors in the theory. Besides those reasons, anti-Semitism occasionally played a role as well. Even today there are some critics of relativity (sometimes called “anti-relativists”), however, their viewpoints are not taken seriously by the scientific community.”[i] The Special theory of relativity has been shown even to be totally false by many writers, for example to name a few books, Science at Cross Roadsby Professor Dingle, Einstein’s Theories of Relativity by Jack Sarfatti, Space, Time, and Matter and the Falsity of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by Kaman George Kamenov, Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, “Collapse of Special Theory of Relativity” by Michael Strauss  and  Einstein and The-emperor's-new-clothes Syndrome: The Expose of a Charlatan” by Robert L. Henderson and The Einstein Myth and the Ives Papers: A Counter-Revolution in Physics Edited by Dean Turner  and Richard Hazelett.


In fact, the literature containing number of articles, books that have been written exposing the false character of relativity is very extensive and will be briefly reviewed here. It is not difficult to see that the major sources of the disputes regarding the legitimacy and truth of Einstein’s theory of relativity are of every kind, philosophical, metaphysical, scientific and mathematical.  Investigations into the theory of relativity reveal that the theory is not strictly scientific in its conception, but is primarily based upon false metaphysical presuppositions regarding the nature of energy, time and space. Many experts have also shown errors in mathematical structure. These arguments have involved the philosophy, physics, mathematics, and experimental verification of the theory. In an attempt to understand the mystery of universe, Einstein has muddled physics, philosophy, metaphysics and religion. By constructing a perpetual motion machine which creates energy out of nothing,  a  perpetual motionists can easily demonstrate that in all areas it can be demonstrated that the theory of relativity and the equation E=MC2 is fallacious.


In many ways the sacrosanct status and position of relativity theory in science is parallel to the law of conservation of energy with these points.


The cocktail equation E=MC2 is lauded as modern form of the law of conservation of mass and energy; it represents conservation of matter and energy merged into a single law.


London Times considered theory of relativity as “the purest subjective idealism.” In my EEC series of books, volumes entitled “The Law of Conservation Of Energy Is a Long Stride on Wrong Path”, (Volume12: part I, and volume 13: part II ) I have endeavored to show that both law of conservation of energy and theory of relativity are highly subjective and reflect man’s fear, his false and timid mentality of thinking something as “impossible” which is largely on account of his own ignorance about the facts of nature, especially, true nature of  energy, for example, gravity which is largely unexplored. The subjective element of “permanence” finds its full expression in the law of conservation of energy which is also based on alleged impossibility of perpetual motion. Perpetual motion as the universal law of change and flux in nature is contrary to much cherished subjective idea of “permanence” enshrined in the law of conservation of energy. Special theory of relativity is also based on impossibility of inconstancy of velocity of light. Nevertheless, Einstein himself was skeptical about it when he remarked: “If the speed of light is the least bit affected by the speed of the light source, then my whole theory of relativity and theory of gravity is false.”[ii] Needless to mention, with the discovery of new facts many things that were   ‘impossible’ in the past have become ‘possible’ today, and therefore, things that we consider ‘impossible today are also likely to become ‘possible’ tomorrow. Many perpetual motionists and anti-relativists have argued that theory of relativity is logically inconsistent because it assumes a constant speed of light, and then sets out to prove what it assumes. Relativity theory is based on irrefutable belief therefore; it cannot be proven false firmly on theoretical grounds because it is “inadvertently protected from refutation by its own circular logic”. We have much evidence that many things travel faster than light. We shall return to this point in detail later.


Einstein was great fan of laws of thermodynamics and their originators. Albert Einstein remarked:

“[A law] is more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different are the kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its range of applicability.  Therefore, the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made on me.  It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced, that within the framework of applicability of it basic concepts will never be overthrown.” [iii]

Perpetual motion has been one of the most unattainable secrets of the harmony of the cosmos. Einstein admired the harmony of the universe but instead having humility for perpetual motion, he debunked perpetual motion. 

“What separates me from most so-called atheists is a feeling of utter humility toward the unattainable secrets of the harmony of the cosmos.” (Albert Einstein to Joseph Lewis, Apr. 18, 1953)

Einstein debunked perpetual motion because he was basically a thermodynamist as is evident from his contributions to Annalen der Physik[iv] which became a source of income to Einstein who wrote during five years (1900 to 1905) more than twenty reports[v] for its Beiblätter – that mainly dealt with theory of heat - thus demonstrating that he was a thermodynamist.


The famous historian of science, Jürgen Renn, Director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science provides information about Einstein’s contributions to the Annalen der Physik:


“The Annalen also served as a source of modest additional income for Einstein, who wrote more than twenty reports for its Beiblätter - mainly on the theory of heat - thus demonstrating an impressive mastery of the contemporary literature. This activity started in 1905. and probably resulted from his earlier publications in the Annalen in this field. Going by his publications between 1900 and early 1905, one would conclude that Einstein's specialty was thermodynamics.”[vi]


While a perpetual motionist has confidence in vulnerability of laws of thermodynamics, Einstein has confidence in their infallibility. In his book, “Physics and Reality, in Ideas and Opinions” Einstein attempted to explain how a right theory of physics has to be formulated. Einstein believed that no inductive method could lead any one to fundamental concept of physics. Einstein believed that in 19th century many investigators failed to take this fact into consideration, which eventually resulted into so many philosophical errors. For this reason, Einstein explained that molecular theory and Maxwell’s theory took longer time in their establishment. He advocated that logical thinking is necessarily deductive which has its basis in a hypothetical concepts and axioms. Einstein believed that reality, which consists of world of experience, must be the basis of any new fundamental hypothesis; from here a theory, which describes a reality, could be constructed. He glorified laws of thermodynamics because he believed that they are based on a firm hypothesis of impossibility of perpetual motion machine. In history of mankind thousands of attempts to construct a perpetual motion machine have failed, Einstein erroneously considers it as a real experience which according to him eventually helped scientist to formulate a hypothesis of impossibility of perpetual motion forming the fundamental basis of law of conservation of energy. 

Since Einstein was totally ignorant about the history of perpetual motion, he considered laws of thermodynamics as something infallible and impossibility of perpetual motion as a perfect fundamental hypothesis on which thermodynamics is based. 


To quote Einstein:


“The most satisfactory situation is evidently to be found in cases where the new fundamental hypotheses are suggested by the world of experience itself.  The hypothesis of non-existence of perpetual motion as a basis for thermodynamics affords such an example of a fundamental hypothesis suggested by experience; the same thing holds for principle of inertia of Galileo. In the same category, moreover we find the fundamental hypothesis of the theory of relativity, which theory has led to an unexpected expansion on broadening of field theory, and to the superseding of the foundation of classical mechanics.”[vii]

Indian astronomers were the first to realize that falling objects and orbiting planets are described by the same law of perpetual motion, thereby, using mere agency of falling objects; it was possible to construct a machine that would move forever to perform all kinds of works. They wanted to understand the laws of celestial mechanics, and in attempt to do so, they arrived at discovery and the invention of perpetual motion. . What seemed at first purely intellectual became surprisingly practical later. Thus, we can give answer the question: Why was perpetual motion so useful to them? The answer is surely simple. Their perpetual motion is a representation of reality as they conducted experiments with quicksilver to obtain perpetual motion which confirmed their theory.  They deserve our applause for their theory that eventually should to be taught to our school children as fact. In other words, the principles set out by Indian astronomers, were that truth could be arrived at by a combination of (1) what one could see or otherwise experience with the senses and realize by insight, (2) what every reasonable person would agree to be self-evidently true, (3) what could be deduced by correct use of logic, and (4) what could be tested by experiment.


When forced to summarize the perpetual motion in relation to physics in one paragraph, I can say: Physics is the study of the properties of energy and matter governed by law of conservation of energy but without the existence of a “creative principle” of perpetual motion in nature. On the other hand, Perpetual motion is art of creating something from nothing.   Perpetual motion is the science of the properties and inter-relations of matter and energy to create more matter and energy out of nothing. Whole Universe is in the state of perpetual motion simply by law of balance, harmony and synergy. Energy, matter, Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from perpetual motion. Perpetual motion is absolute. Energy is its effect; it is an idealization, in this way the concept of energy loses its importance as compared to perpetual motion.   ... Energy is not confined to discrete objects but to their perpetual motions, ordered as well as disordered that are source of various forms of energies, some of them    are spatially extended as fields. Energy is in the state of creation, conservation and dissolution.


Perpetual motion is the most essential objective dynamical principle in the universe, or perpetual motion is the reflection of the total existence and changes in the whole universe. Perpetual motion is the most essential foundation stone of the physics. Perpetual motion is our sole measurement tool for the process of universal existence, and dissolution. Most of the fundamental ideas of perpetual motion are essentially simple, and does not require use of any mathematics they can be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. A perpetual motionist is convinced that reality exists where observation, logic of scientists shows no reality to exist. This is the reason scientists have been unable to conceive perpetual motion from the observation of nature. Much mathematics has made scientists what they are if not fools. How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so enthusiastically employed to prove anything right or wrong eternally or applied to the description of physical world which has no correspondence with reality.


Einstein himself was aware of this situation; therefore, he had to remark:


“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” 

Quoted in J R Newman, The World of Mathematics (New York 1956).


“Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore.”

Quoted in P A Schilpp, Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist (Evanston 1949)

Towards the close of the nineteenth century Scientists had shown signs of failure to invent a perpetual motion machine. Gradually, by relying blindly on the abstract power of mathematics, their mathematical description of the world, physicists acquired a cynical feeling, bordering on conviction, that the perpetual motion is impossible. A large number of failed attempts at perpetual motion strengthened their conviction. They arrived at consensus decision that a law must be raised to stop perpetual motionist to invent a machine that would move forever and that would no more puzzle the intelligence of the scientists forever.

 There has been a lot of popular nonsense talk about perpetual motion, especially since law of conservation of energy was established, it still continues even today. I was fortunate in those who introduced me to the study of Perpetual motion. We all perpetual motionists--the small circle of inventors to which I belong—are  thrilled with the result of Orffyreus wheel which in 1712 brought the first important confirmation of perpetual motion. It is a great experience for us, and one which had a lasting influence on my intellectual development.


The goal of science is the understanding of the nature of the Universe, and learning about principles of nature that govern natural processes within it, on the other hand, perpetual motionist has the same goal but his entire focus is mainly, upon  translation of  dynamical principles of nature into a real working design of a machine.  In our description of nature, we must have ideas that are so clear, so self-evident just by thinking them, that everyone would know that there are no alternatives.  These truths must not be dependent or relative to time, space, or person.  Are there such truths?  Deva Ramananda believes that there are many such truths essential to the understanding of nature, especially, dynamical principle; perpetual motion is just one of them. In the Nature, there are absolute phenomena, such as electricity, magnetic field, annihilation, chemical reactions, etc.  that are independent of relativity of motion, space time and position of the observer. Even when man did not arrive on the earth, these phenomena were already there to continue to thrive in the nature. They have nothing to do with any outside body.  


If Orffyreus had an opportunity to see  at a glance theory of relativity, he might have either committed suicide or received a great shock to see that relativity   had no connection whatever with observation, and, if possible, still less connection with common sense; and no further time would have been wasted by him.  He would just set his gravity wheel in perpetual motion to refute Einstein’s relativity and expose falsity of Einstein’s equation E=MC2 by demonstrating that once set in motion his machine creates infinite energy, not at the expenditure of any form of other energy or matter.  The universe works in a way so far removed from what human observation would dictate that...the only way to describe what really goes on is to speak not in the language of abstract mathematics but concrete like the perpetual motion which dictates that the universe works in a certain way which is imitable in the form of some invention, thus, what we can see and what we can reason works in reality in its own fashion.


We could begin by noting that the principle of perpetual motion governs the ordered and disordered motion we see around us in nature.  In fact, inspiration for any great idea or truth is from nature. Job of an inventor is to learn these ideas from the right observation of nature and try to copy them in the form of invention for the benefit of people. For example, consider “order” in Solar system and perpetual motion machine and watch the resemblance between two.  While perpetual motionist takes pleasure in designing his perpetual motion machine by observing the basic principles of symmetry, synergy and harmony evident in ordered nature and translating them into the design of his machine, scientist even cannot conceive any real physical situation corresponding to perpetual motion .

Deva Ramanada remarks:

“Planetary motion is basically perpetual motion, it is beyond doubt that the perpetual motion plays the powerful and pervasive role in motion of cosmos, sooner or later its existence would be obvious to all of scientist, as obvious as the fact that when sun lights the sky, darkness is gone. Universe is a grand perpetual motion machine; it creates energy from nothing. In the whole Universe, I believe that there is a single energy in the state of continuous creation,  it gets transformed into many forms  in the course of its further movement.”

Experience has thus spoken to him on behalf of reason; and in this way Ramananda builds his science of perpetual motion.

First, we must make some important distinctions, between (1) the fact of perpetual motion, (2) the process of perpetual motion, and (3) the mechanism of perpetual motion.

Deva Ramananda says: “at first sight Perpetual motion is a fact, not a theory.”

When he refers to perpetual motion as a fact, he means that we have substantial observational evidence that perpetual motion exists at all levels in nature.

Secondly, when we speak of the process of perpetual motion, we are actually referring to a series of events that are integral part of the Grand process, Grand cycle of perpetual motion, of creation, conservation and dissolution of energy.  In the course of its evolution, a Single energy differentiates into many forms and in all its interactions later,  have different modes of perpetual motion, phases and stages of development of energy that exist at different times and in different regions that ultimately constitutes a Grand close cycle of perpetual motion. At the beginning,  energy first comes into being from ‘nothing’, then, depending on the type of substratum and geometry which energy finds in its advancement, next phases are “conservation” and “dissolution” Therefore, journey of energy begins from nothing and ends into nothing.  From the understanding of the process of perpetual motion, we learn a very important point that energy is in state of continuous creation and dissolution. Design of matter, which acts as a substratum for the advancement of energy is crucial in determining different modes or phases of energy.  Depending on the nature of the substratum, arrangement of matter i.e. ordered or disordered which matter displays in making of texture of cosmos; energy is gets created, conserved and destroyed accordingly in all natural phenomena.


 “Conservation” is not the only reality; two other parallel and complementary realities “creation” and “destruction” of energy exist. All these three realities form a triad of perpetual motion and describe motion in Universe in totality. We can put all forces and processes of nature under these three categories. We know from LauTzu that complementary views of reality exist, rather than only one unified view. This is important.


The false belief that there is only one reality of “conservation of energy” can itself be subjected to scientific scrutiny by building a perpetual motion machine to see the truth how the machine creates energy from no-thing.  But scientist will feel uncomfortable because he often does not rely on many assumptions. As cow is sacred to Hindu, conservation laws are sacred to scientist.


Lastly, the major theoretical and practical issue concerns what mechanism is responsible for creation of energy from nothing?  Here when we talk of mechanism of perpetual motion, we refer to the nature of forces, design of matter  onto which they act, their dynamic geometry, and their relationship that lead to creation of energy from nothing.  The principle of perpetual motion incorporates many other principles like principle of symmetry and principle of synergy to create a three fold reality.

Space and time are not relative to the observer because there is One energy, “Great Void”; there is one cosmic space or cosmic time.


Phenomenal world thrives on power of “Great Void”, nature has adopted perpetual motion mechanism to directly connect everything and us to “Great Void.” Perpetual motion wheel is the great key to understand the mystery of creation, energy, space, time etc.

Vedic sages were also astronomers and man of science. They observed vortexes and spiral phenomena in nature, the spectacle fascinated them. They believed the world was created through the rotary motion of a spiral, where initially all mass was united in the center and then, by centrifugal force things came into being through the separation of mass into an increasing number of bodies and substances. Vedic Mythology associated with Maruts throws ample light on vortex phenomena and spiral motions. The popular Puranic legend of ‘churning of ocean’ by Gods and demons symbolically explains creation of Universe by rotary motion.

A wheel as a rotating device has similarity to cyclic events in nature, like years. Thus the wheel mechanism represents an esoteric and religious aspect that can be characterized by buzzwords like return, year's cycle, re-incarnation. Indian temples frequently display wheel symbols. It seems as if the aspect of creating a machine that generates useful work was not the predominant aspect of the Indian mathematicians, but to simulate an eternal cycle. The machine was regarded as a better model for philosophical aspects, than for engineering tasks.

Theosophy Dictionary provides remarkable description of perpetual motion wheel as follows:


“Wheel Perpetual gyratory motion; a vortex, a center of revolving force.[i]

“Matter is not only motion itself in low ranges of the cosmos, but has likewise many modes of motion, although not in the sense in which this phrase was used in the 19th century.”[ii]

Lord Kelvin applauded concrete and mechanical description of nature as compared to unrealistic mathematical abstraction. 

The website “Occultism, A Wisdom Archive on Occultism states:

“Lord Kelvin's vortex-atoms illustrate the point, for he showed that many of the properties attributed to atoms could be represented by regarding atoms as vortices in a frictionless, incompressible fluid. More recent analysis of the atom has failed to resolve it into anything more than electric particles whose properties are functions of their motions. "Atoms are called 'Vibrations' in Occultism . . .” (SD 2:633). Fohat traces spiral lines and forms wheels or centers of force around which primordial cosmic matter expands and contracts and passes through stages of consolidation ending in globes, and later through stages of etherealization. Vortical motion is a universal law, as seen in the stellar Universe and in the electronic constitution of the physical atom, giving a fuller meaning to the word cycle. 

Wheel, cycle, globes, and revolutions all pertain to the same fundamental conception of whirling, revolving, or gyratory motion of beings and substances; and as no motion can take place except in matter, space, and time, the whirlings and revolutions of beings and things include likewise the time periods or cyclic returns of beings and events throughout duration. Wherever there is a whirling or turning, whether of matter or of an event in time, it is because it is a being or thing which is active in reproducing itself in cyclic events (cf Ezekiel 1:15-21). This is one of the archaic ways of understanding what is now called the principle of Relativity. Indeed, so intimate and entangled are the actor and the act -- the being and its movements in time -- that it is not always easy to distinguish the actor inherent and moving from the effects in space and time of such movement; so that when we speak of a cycle of time we are perforce obliged to conceive of a moving entity producing the cycle, albeit the moving entity may not be visible to us and indeed may be incomprehensible. Hence, the frequent and often perplexing usage of wheel or wheelings found in ancient occult writings.”[iii]

“From a scientific viewpoint we witness that contemporary science definitely confirms that the fundamental condition of our existence is to revolve. There is no object, no being which does not revolve and the shared similarity among beings is the revolution of the electrons, protons and neutrons in the atoms, which constitute the structure of each of them. As a consequence of this similarity, everything revolves and man carries on his live, his very existence by means of the revolution in the atoms, structural stones of his body, by the revolution of his blood, by his coming from the earth and return to it, by his revolving with earth itself. However, all of these are natural, unconscious revolutions. But man is the possessor of a mind and intelligence which distinguishes him from and makes him superior to other beings. Thus the "whirling dervish" or Semazen causes the mind to participate in the shared similarity and revolution of all other beings… Otherwise, the Sema ceremony represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to "Perfect." Turning towards the truth, his growth through love, desert his ego, find the truth and arrive to the "Perfect," then he return from this spiritual journey as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation, to all creatures without discrimination of believes, races, classes and nations.”[iv]

If motion had not been devised to be intrinsic part of the matter we could not have sat comfortably in our chairs to watch the TV. Nor would the Sun, the Earth and our very selves exist. All these formations owe their existence to the moving objects. The movement of stars in their orbits, the movement of planets around the stars rendered our existence possible.  The creation of motion in an ingenious and regular order forming the macrocosm and microcosm to atoms is a panorama in front of those who are willing to conceive the images of God.

While revealing the mystery of “The Circle”, H. T. Edge explains: “The wheel seems to express the proverb, “Extremes meet.” So it denotes cyclic motion; in virtue of which, continued movement from a point will bring us back to the same point again. It stands for the repetition of cycles, the creation of energy or forces, and the course of evolution, resurrection and rebirth, birth after death, death after birth. The wheel represents unity. When on this we describe a circle we have the symbol of space, sometimes called the container of all, or better, the root of all, the common parent. For space is not emptiness, it is utter fullness; it is that from which Universe springs. Its characteristic is unity, and by virtue of its unity it is all comprehending.


By definition the circle has no angles, no beginning and no end, and as such it represents Eternity, Perpetual Motion and Perpetual Repetition of Cycles. Every point on the circumference of the circle is equidistant from the centre, the dot within the circle. This central point of revolution is referred to as the fifth cardinal direction. It is scientifically impossible for a point on the circumference to materially err from the centre of the circle and vice versa. [v]


Cyclical Perpetual motion in time is self-referential. The general principle of relativity is untenable when applied to cyclical perpetual motion of Universe, which being whole appears to be the absolute motion. Even every rotation as explained above appears to be absolute; this is also evidenced by gyroscope. In a cyclical system of perpetual motion, objects bear definite relationship to the centre which transcends ‘relatedness’ to the state of ‘absoluteness’ and because of this perpetual motion draws on the ultimate source of energy. For example, according to the Orffyreus’ laws of perpetual motion governing the Over-balancing wheel, the greater the distance of heavy weights from the centre of the wheel the more energy Over-balancing wheel generates out of no-thing which is independent of position of observer. In Nature’s mechanism, Motion is meant for manifestations of energy not for how does it look apparently to an observer in a given position. There is big difference between what objects -in -themselves are, how they actually interact with others, and how they actually appear to us. There is big difference between how the objects appears to the observer depending on his position and what motion of the object actually accomplishes while interacting with environment where ever it is moving in reality. 


 For example in the Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, whether an observer changes his position or whether he ceases to exist there is absolute difference between rest and movement of conductor in a magnetic field. Whether we move a magnet inside a wire or we move wire with respect to magnet, in this law the motion is absolute. The faster is moving a straight wire through a magnetic field, the greater electrical voltage is generated.


A point or a cycle is something absolute. May be, relativity holds true for linear motion of the objects in a particular region of space but it cannot be applied to Perpetual motion which is beyond relativity,   because of  relationship of its parts which  bears to absolute centre, it transcends to absolute. That’s a very special interrelationship between the parts and centre. Perpetual motion is independent of the frame of reference. All the frame of references fall within the grand cycle of perpetual motion. The law of perpetual motion has the same expressing form in all the inertial frames of reference.


If perpetual motion were relative, then, while perpetual motion machine  works we must observe a corresponding decrease in the quantity of the energy, but since it is not so, it is absolute. In fact, it draws upon the absolute source of energy- which is “void”


Matter, time and space in the state of perpetual motion existing objectively is the standard through which the world is known by the perpetual motionist as well as the most important footstone of perpetual motion. Matter is the material by which he constructs his perpetual motion machine, Space is the void from which his perpetual motion machine draws energy and what is the time? the perpetuity of the process creates sense of time. Time is just as an immensely long river flowing from the antiquity to the future. From the perpetual motion, the right idea of energy, time and space can be formed in our heart, so it is easy for us to understand what the world is.


Nature is not the servant of cognitive habits of human being. Objective world has its own reality independent of observer and the frame of reference. Interpreting phenomena on the basis of position of the observer, hence, his own limitations only introduces a subjective element in the description of the world. Newton’s absolute space and time describes a reality which is independent of position of observer.

Newton said: That is, the absolute, real or mathematical time, itself and to the extent of its nature, always lapses uniformly, having nothing to do with any outside body. The absolute space will never change or move. It’s the nature of the space. It is an independent entity and has nothing to do with other things.


Perpetual motionist finds absolute space and time more reasonable.

The special principle of relativity utterly failed to distinguish between motion and perpetual motion. Einstein had a narrow brain. He held hypothesis of the impossibility of perpetual motion as the supreme and rhapsodized laws of thermodynamics in his works. He failed to see the reality of the world beyond relativity.  He committed many great blunders in his career. He committed blunder of conceiving world as static. Later, He lamented over his blunder when expansion of the universe was observed by other scientists. According to special theory of relativity, the space-time is relative, which means that there are no absolute phenomena like perpetual motion.


In the web page entitled Mass and Energy equal? I have shown that mass is just mass and energy is just energy. They are two different kinds of things in essence. ‘Mass’ is the vehicle of ‘energy’.  Qualitatively and quantitatively, the ‘carrier and the particular thing which is being carried by it can’t be exactly in every situation.   In a system, which does not fulfill conditions of perpetual motion, the mass and energy may be conservative but when those conditions of order, symmetry, harmony, balance and synergy, are fulfilled, they are in state of perpetual motion and they are creative. Make no mistake that a particular force is conservative.


Lord Rutherford, is reputed to have remarked “that any Anglo-Saxon would have the sense to see that the theory of Relativity is nonsense”. Charles Lane Poor, Professor of Celestial Mechanics at Columbia University and the author of a number of standard textbooks on astronomy, has drawn attention to the dishonesty of the scientific method of Einstein and his followers.


“The Relativity Theory strikes directly at our fundamental concepts as to the structure of the universe; its conclusions are startling and completely upsetting to our common-sense way of looking at physical and astronomical phenomena. To have such a theory accepted, it would seem that the evidence in its favour must be overwhelming, that the experiments cited by its supporters must be clear-cut and admit no other solution. The burden of proof should be on the relativist, and it should be clearly shown in each case of experiment, cited by him, that the relativity theory is necessary and sufficient explanation; it should be established beyond no reasonable doubt, not only that the phenomena can be explained by the Relativity Theory, but that no other hypothesis or theory can equally well account for the observed facts.

“Has this been done?”[vi]


[i] Occultism, A Wisdom Archive on Occultism


[ii] ibid

[iii] ibid

[iv] Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi - Sema


Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi - The Whirling Dervishes, Sema



[v]H. T. Edge, The Universal Mystery-Language and Its Interpretation chapter 2 “The Circle”


[vi] Quoted by N. Martin Gwynne in his excellent article: