Deva Ramananda’s Dynamics of Perpetual Motion
Vedanta and Perpetual Motion
The number of evidences drawn from the spectacle of nature does prove that perpetual motion exists. In brief, perpetual motion is in the Universe and Universe is in perpetual motion. Perpetual motion is a natural state for everything. Perpetual motion is one of the grandest principles of nature. Perpetual motion unites atomic, terrestrial and celestial phenomena in single physics applicable to all. Perpetual motion demonstrates the fact that whole is greater than sum of its parts. Perpetual motion essentially cyclical in nature does not depend upon the one principle or other but often combination of many within the whole. An essential ingredient of perpetual motion is harmony and synergy of forces working among the interacting parts of machine or the system to create more power out of no-thing. When we set out to study Perpetual motion we enter the fascinating realm of the ‘creation of something from nothing’, of wisdom that has been accumulated in our ancient texts over the centuries. The oldest formulation of Perpetual motion, which reveals us the mystery of creation, is made by Nasadiya Sukta of Rg Veda stating as: “anid vatam Swadhya tadekam” which means that the first element moved by its own power at the beginning of the universe or when Grand cycle of perpetual motion began.
From time immemorial, perpetual motion in the true sense has been understood as man’s desire to reduce his efforts to minimum, to get something from nothing or to acquire the inexhaustible source of energy and realize it for the sake of the highest knowledge and wisdom. The Vedic sages observed various powers of nature, their attributes, interrelationships, correlations and functions, personified them into a number of Vedic gods and sought an understanding of the working of world that they incorporated in Vedic hymns, sometimes in myth and legend, they conceived the universe as a huge wheel set in perpetual motion by the creator, thus, the beginning of perpetual motion can be traced in religious or mythological forms of thinking as distinct from science and other forms of applied knowledge.
Mystics and philosophers revealed the mysteries of nature, but they remained in dilemma. They wanted to perpetuate the truth but at the same time, they wanted to hide their methods because they did not want profane to learn their secrets of the nature. Their writings abound with vague and equivocal words; however, if one is initiated, he can arrive at the last secret of perpetual motion. Mystics never departed from the simple ways of Nature, they had profound things to teach us, which we, in the so called age of science still need to learn.
“One can organize to apply a discovery already made, but not to make one. Only a free individual can make a discovery. ... Can you imagine an organization of scientist making the discoveries of Charles Darwin?”
from “Einstein on the Atomic Bomb” published in Atlantic, 1945)
“No great discovery was ever made in science except by one who lifted his nose above the grindstone of details and ventured on a more comprehensive vision.” (from Einstein “The Meaning of Human History”, 1947)
Because our minds are crammed up with a variety of information, we are bound to have conditioning of mind that prevents us to discover new secrets of nature. Scientists take pride in studying what are regarded as the more advanced branches of knowledge, and ridicule the study of so “simple” a thing as perpetual motion. Einstein himself remarked: “Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.”
Physicist pays more heed to increased specialization than to those objects that require wide spectrum of knowledge to understand them. Thus, physicist is interested in bending of light and warping of space as compared to perpetual motion which is widely exhibited before our very eyes by panorama of nature. They pretend to excel more in subtle speculations than in a sober study of Nature, and are skeptical about what mystics and sages taught us about Holy Grail of perpetual motion. It is one of the most important characteristics of scientists that they neglect those things which seem familiar, important and practical, but are eager for new and strange information which is useless. Their longing for a ‘theory of everything’ or ‘unified theory’ urges them ever onward towards some final goal of unification of all forces of nature, with that they imagine that they shall find full rest and satisfaction as we perpetual motionists find in our perpetual motion.
Many sages, scholars, and learned men in all ages, have dropped hints concerning the secret of perpetual motion; and if their ancient texts could be understood to reveal knowledge of the working processes of Nature, one might almost say that they supersede what is taught by physics today.
To appreciate the ancient wisdom, let us look into revelations made by Hermes Emerald tablet. Deva Ramananda advocates that it reveals us secret of Creation and the Art of Nature, therefore, also the secret of perpetual motion. The following translation is from Deva Ramananda
- True, exact and correct, never doubt it, perpetual motion certainly, worthy of all trust.
- Behold, the highest comes from the lowest, and the lowest from the highest; indeed a marvelous work of the Tao (the inexhaustible source of energy).
- Behold how all things originated from perpetual motion by a single process.
- The father of it (the center) is the sun (Yang), its mother the moon (Yin). The wind bore it in its belly, and the matter nourished it.
- Perpetual motion is the father of wondrous works (changes and transformations), the guardian of mysteries, perfect in its powers, and the animator of lights.
- This energy will be showered upon the earth...
- So separate the matter from the energy, the subtle from the gross, acting wisely with art of perpetual motion.
- Perpetual motion ascends from the matter to the heavens (and orders the lights above), then descends again to the matter; and in it is the power of the highest and the lowest.
- Thus when you have the light of lights darkness will vanish forever.
- With this perpetual motion, power of powers you shall be able to get the mastery of every subtle thing, and be able to penetrate everything that is gross.
- In this way by perpetual motion the great world itself was created.
- Hence, thus, wonderful operations will be achieved.
The sense of this Emerald Tablet can satisfactorily convince us that the author was well acquainted with the secret operations of Nature and with the secret work of the alchemists, perpetual motionists and Hermetists. He equally well knew and believed in the true God, relationship between matter, energy and work. Once truth of perpetual motion is known to us it becomes very much evident that the performance of work does not require inputs and expenditure of energy. Perpetual motion itself suffices to describe the act of ‘creation’ without the necessity of energy being expended. If we consider the first stage of beginning of the ‘creation’ as some sort of ‘work’ then the knowledge of perpetual motion does not necessitate to have some prior amount of energy to start that first stage of the ‘creation’ and expenditure of energy to carry out the ‘work’ of ‘creation’. In other words, by perpetual motion, all things owe their origin to One Only Thing, the most hidden, by the arrangement of the Only God. In this manner the world was created, but the arrangements to follow this road are hidden.
An unknown author who lived several centuries before Christ mentioned this tablet, and claimed that he had seen it in Egypt, at the court; that it was a precious stone, an emerald, whereon these characters were represented in bas-relief, not engraved. Deva Ramananda has suggested origin of basic philosophy of Hermes Tablet further east. The studies of Deva Ramananda show that one can easily detect the correspondences between perpetual motion and mysticism in ancient wisdom. Undoubtedly, perpetual motion is one of the grandest secret of nature. One has to remain invariably seeker after truth to learn such secrets of nature. It is an uphill task to hold on the way of truth amidst all kinds of vicissitudes. The perpetual motionist’s dream is to attain inexhaustible source of the mysterious energy, by which countless wonders and works are performed. In history, we have some rare perpetual motionists, the mystics, philosophers and workmen too who struggled to attain the highest degree of excellence in their Art. They were to live through the process of transmutation, and became transformed as a result. The perpetual motion is a blessing beyond all blessings upon earth. By the grace of nature or the revelation of God, perpetual motion is bestowed to those few who have ingenuity and proper industry of man. The man who obtains perpetual motion is the man who gains wisdom and understanding, Perpetual motion is a symbol of incorruptible wisdom achieved by uniting both rational, intellectual thinking (masculine, rational, right brain activity) with our intuitive knowing of the heart (feminine, intuitive left brain activity) The perpetual motionists believed that perfection could only be achieved by surrendering to nature, working in harmony with nature, and knowing her secrets and ultimately imitating them and uniting them in a design that presents paragon of an incorruptible wisdom. Perpetual motion is the art of imitating Nature and creating power out of nothing. It is a natural art and science. In perpetual motion, we create something out of nothing but we do not really make anything; all we do is provide a condition for Nature to do what Nature does. So the perpetual motion is not really obtained by the perpetual motionist, it is made by Nature. The perpetual motionist only provides the conditions so that Nature can operate effectively and find her maximum expression. In his Art, perpetual motionist closely imitates close cycle processes of nature. After all, Marquis of Worcester himself said: “Whosoever is Master of Weight, Is Master of Force; “Whosoever is Master of Water, Is Master of both”: “And consequently, to him all Forceable Actions and Achievements are easy, which are in any wise beneficial to or for Mankind.” For example take his gravity wheel which is replica of solar system which is marvel of ‘rotation’ and ‘revolution’ mechanism. Thus, perpetual motionist, the wise man does that by his majestic art in a short time, which nature cannot perform in less than the revolution of a hundred years. His methods are always in harmony with nature. If any Art would produce any outstanding effect, the sight of which might awaken even the dead, it must follow in the footsteps of Nature, and be guided by her methods. He must trust himself to the guidance of Nature as far as Nature will lead, and go beyond her by still adhering to her rules. Throughout history many secrets obtained by using this method has been used by a very few, with access to unlimited wealth, among many other amazing properties. Some of them guarded the secret because they understood that the time was not ripe for the secret to be free for all people, on the other hand, few of them kept the secret out of their own jealousy, ignorance, pride and corruption. This ‘hide and seek’ of perpetual motion in its variety of forms has perpetuated through all ages.
Perpetual motion, according to Deva Ramananda, “is essentially a theory of everything contrary to thermodynamic laws.” No complete history of the perpetual motion, in both of its aspects, material and spiritual, in terms contrary to laws of thermodynamics but parallel to the eastern mysticism has ever been attempted until this rare task was taken by His Divine Grace Deva Ramananda. By perpetual motion, he simply means ‘the creation of something out of nothing’, which also accords with the doctrine of genesis, creation ex nihilo taught by Holy Bible but it is contrary and intuitively at odds with the First Law of Thermodynamics, namely that energy is neither created nor destroyed. By practice of mechanical arts related to perpetual motion, Rbhus, Vedic perpetual motion inventors, conceived the noble path leading towards inexhaustible source of energy and immortality as the final answer to human salvation. The expression of spirituality through the concept of ‘Brihma’ in Vedanta and Upanishad may have something to do with the law of Conservation of energy in science which is erroneously based on the impossibility of perpetual motion.
The phenomenon of perpetual motion has profound implications for Cosmology, since it is one of the necessary ingredients for generating the observed mass and energy. Deva Ramananda suggested that mass and energy in the universe are in continuous state of creation by perpetual motion which is the functional property of cosmic cyclical mechanical systems that are also imitable by human ingenuity. He suggested that a principle of perpetual motion or ‘energy creation’ might be the underlying one, from which all laws of Motion could be derived. We cannot arrive at any understanding of basic concept of physics unless we first solve the basic question of Perpetual Motion. Every concept of physics must proceed from perpetual motion. Unfortunately, failure of scientist to understand perpetual motion has resulted into development of erroneous concepts of force, energy, power, work etc which are fundamental concepts of physics. Since fundamental laws of physics are directly based on these concepts, we can say that whole of physics is fatally flawed with errors.
Perpetual motion is idea of matter designed to move continuously in a close cycle capable of doing work itself without consumption of any force from anywhere. The perpetual motion, in the context of generating useful power from virtually nothing, is an amazing phenomenon. The universe which can be considered as a huge perpetual motion system seems to have no beginning and no end in its vastness and essence. Any attempt to delineate perpetual motion can only be a part of the whole truth. A logically satisfying definition of what we understand by the perpetual motion is doubtless difficult to give, but we shall not be far from the mark if we think of perpetual motion as a system of objects in continuous motion, under influence of a key force, according to Deva Ramananda, the system designed to fulfill a specific purpose which, in pure materialistic terms, is generally production and transfer of energy from the system to another region for doing useful work without consumption of any force, required for the unity, stability and evolution when applied to a self evolving system like universe as a whole which is made greater than sum of its parts by perpetual motion. A Perpetual Motion System is an internally organized whole where elements are so intimately connected that they operate as one in relation to external conditions and other Perpetual Motion Systems. An element may be defined as the minimal unit performing a definite function in the whole. Perpetual Motion Systems are systems where matter and energy flow continuously in and out of a certain defined region of the space. It is impractical to attempt all work interactions and measure them that occur between this synergistic system and its neighboring environment. Perpetual Motion Systems may be either simple or complex. A complex Perpetual Motion System is one whose elements may also be regarded as Perpetual Motion Systems or sub-Perpetual Motion Systems. As the world evolves, cosmic energy does not remain constant. It fluctuates. It is subject to additions and subtractions. Cosmic energy achieves this addition and subtraction by changing grouping and collocations of Perpetual Motion systems.
Unlike a conservative system, perpetual motion system is a synergistic system, it is a reversible one as system returns to its original state even in the presence of the dissipative forces; as a result more energy is created in the successive cycles of its operation. System as a whole violates conservation principle though the parts of the system obey the law of conservation of energy. All things, properties and relations that appear us as something independent are basically parts of some Perpetual Motion System, which in its turn is part of an even bigger Perpetual Motion System, and so on ad infinitum. Whole is greater than sum of its parts. For example, the atom is more than sum of its parts; the particles in ceaseless motion are building part of atom, the tiniest Perpetual Motion System which is the building unit of matter. Solar system, galaxies and various close cycle processes are other Perpetual Motion Systems of varying degrees of complexity.
Every Perpetual Motion System is something whole. So anything that corresponds to the demands of unity and stability—an atom, a molecule, a crystal, the planetary, galactic System, the organism and society, may be regarded as a Perpetual Motion System. Every Perpetual Motion System forms a whole, but not every whole is a Perpetual Motion System. These Synergistic systems enhance the energy of the Universe and prevent it from going to a permanent death. Synergistic systems have capability to communicate, to impart power, to adapt to environment and to change the environment.
Universe is vast continuum of perpetual motion systems, all interconnected, one within another. They are working continuously as they are governed by perpetual motion as a result of which the Universe creates energy by its own. Innumerable processes are running in this self-energy -creating system. We can call the parts of a Perpetual Motion System its elements. If in investigating a Perpetual Motion System we wish to identify its elements we can consider them as elementary objects in themselves. Once we have established them as something relatively indivisible in one Perpetual Motion System, elements may be regarded in their turn as Perpetual Motion Systems (or sub-Perpetual Motion Systems), consisting of elements of a different order, and so on. Furthermore, we are interested in the behavior of only those interactions that constitute synergy in such systems or have a direct relationship with synergy and not in behavior of an individual element in neighborhood, but rather in average behavior of neighboring elements. For example, discontinuities and much chaotic motion may exist within the system, but we are only concerned with the flow system of energies sufficiently well behaved and distinct so that its properties are known with adequate accuracies.
Since perpetual motion is actual mechanics of the creative process in Nature, we may call it as the Prime Mechanism of the power creation. Matter, mind and life are non existent without perpetual motion. When we talk about creative potential of nature, it appears that fundamental principles which govern matter, mind and life are essentially same in all planes of existence. Perpetual motion is one of such principles that impart necessary power and stability to govern activities of matter, mind and life and their creative capabilities also. It is only the principle of perpetual motion by which these entities secure their existence, maintain their identity and sustain various processes even in adverse environment.
A perpetual motion system is not a rigid body, a system of objects or particles in which the distances are constant and cannot vary with time. If we perturb a perpetual motion system, it responds by restoring its initial conditions, such systems are therefore stable. In a sense, forces working in this system readjust themselves, which ultimately enable system to remain immune to out side influences. However, there is a limit to it. When out side influence either in the form of friction or in the form of any disruptive force, which can retard natural motion of the system to a large extent, is too high to be tolerated by the system, there is every possibility that system will yield by breaking symmetry of the forces. Eventually synergy among the parts will be lost and system will die due to loss of harmony between its constituent parts
Perpetual motion machine is a whole, which consists of parts like levers, weights, and pendulums. Laws of parts cannot be applied to whole. Galileo made a mistake. He studied motion of the pendulum and made the statement that perpetual motion is impossible because a pendulum bob does not rise above the height where from it is dropped. .
In perpetual motion machine mass is accelerated by a force which is imparted by mass itself. In other words, perpetual motion is mass-propelled motion. Mass itself has potentiality to cause and create more motion without any external force. Energy and Motion are self-contained in mass. By suitable mechanism, we can get this motion without using any external force or without annihilation of the matter in any manner. Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 loses its significance because it talks about generation of energy at the cost of annihilation of matter only. Without any equation, perpetual motion tells and demonstrates that just by setting a given mass into perpetual motion we can get infinite amount of energy.
A perpetual motion system does not obey the most of the classical laws of mechanics. The most obvious reason is that each of them is built directly or indirectly on the alleged impossibility of perpetual motion.
For example consider Newton’s Third Law:
‘To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.’
What does this mean? Is it always true? To every action if there is only an equal and opposite reaction, any process that arise out of action will come to stop, sooner or later after reaction has taken place, and after that we have nothing to maintain the continuity of a particular process. The first action followed by an equal reaction could never act as continual source of action to generate a series of actions and reactions required to constitute a process. Action and reaction once completed, they cannot serve as source of further action and reaction for another process to start if they are exactly equal, and thus, if the Newton’s first law were the only reality, we would have a limited and short lived universe. It would be an abortive universe like the most ridiculed perpetual motion machine that was built by a novice perpetual motionist that eventually stopped after first impulse was given to set it into perpetual motion. In other words, perpetuity and evolution of the universe cannot be maintained by Newton’s third law of motion alone. We require some creative principle to account for the losses of energy in the universe. Newton himself realized necessity of “activity principle” to add new rigour to the universe. Quantum mechanics do not care for Newton’s third law, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Quantum rules dictate that every action has a multitude of reaction possibilities. Chaos theory states that a butterfly fluttering her wings in Udaipur can create a tornado in New York.
After finding material basis of perpetual motion, Deva Ramananda sought to transcend the concept of perpetual motion within which he worked to arrive at ‘scientific spirituality’, eventually, he had to seek it in the wisdom of Vedas, in the controlling principle of the universe called Rta as the pivot around which everything in the Universe is ultimately ordered, as the ultimate principle underlying the entire phenomenon called the Universe. He considers the “wholeness” of the perpetual motion system as the stepping stone to the spirituality. This development of his “scientific spirituality” focuses on the following points:
The history of the science and technology has to be delineated from perpetual motion point of view, so that falsity of laws of mechanics and thermodynamics can be exposed. Second, he demonstrates that the idea of perpetual motion has kept man inspired right from the beginning and served as the motivating core of the human pursuit of materiality, invention and industry as well as spirituality in the past. We need to rediscover materiality as well as spirituality of perpetual motion which has been lost in the mist of time.
The ultimate reality at transcendental level is one but it gets reflected as a three fold reality to account for a phenomenal world. The ‘conservation of energy’ is only a partial truth; the whole truth must accommodate all three phases of existence: ‘creation’ from nothingness, ‘conservation’ to sustain continuity of existence, and finally, the ‘dissolution’ into nothingness. Deva Ramananda discovers that conservation of energy is only a partial, derivative phase between order and disorder or creation and dissipation of energy respectively. This illustrates the evolution of consciousness: as with a greater understanding, it enlarges its experiential horizon, it notices that what it formerly considers to be the whole truth is really only a partial manifestation, a restricted case, or an effect of some larger picture beneath or behind.
The Deva Ramananda’s way of perpetual motion is highly unusual because it moves away from a discrete, quantitative, materialist approach to one ultimate reality, indivisible and interconnected in nature which is the ultimate source of everything. He emphasizes an intimate, firsthand encounter with an inexhaustible source of energy by first observing various beauteous forms of ‘Rta’ i.e. perpetual motion in nature, and second by applying our ingenuity to imitate their cyclical patterns in nature to devise a perpetual motion that is set to work to create infinite energy out of nothing. This direct experiential contact becomes the basis for his ‘scientific spirituality’ and scientific generalization and understanding of the realms, material as well as spiritual. Physicists have largely ignored his writings on perpetual motion. These works are seen either as subjective artistic descriptions written by a scientific dilettante or as a form of philosophical idealism that arbitrarily imposes intellectual constructs on the things of nature. Only in present time, hopefully, with the invention of perpetual motion, we can have an experimental proof that would enable us to describe Ramananda’s way of perpetual motion and his scientific spirituality accurately.
I have described in more detail in different volumes of my EEC series of book, the fundamental principle of perpetual motion, the history of perpetual motion, the relation between perpetual motion and religion etc, but the matter of perpetual motion and our main concern that Einstein’s Special theory of relativity does not apply to perpetual motion is so fundamental for our present considerations that some preliminary remarks on them are desirable here. I have separate web pages for them. Visit:
- Absolute Velocity of Light Under Question.
- Plagiarism of Einstein
- Are Mass and Energy Equal?
- Validity of Einstein’s General Relativity under Question?
- Ruiners Of Perpetual Motion: From Aristotle To Einstein
- Crucifixion of Perpetual Motion
- Saviour of Perpetual Motion: From Rsi Dirghatamas to Deva Ramananda