Like Gabriel Byrne[i], “I think there's a bit of the devil in everybody. There's a bit of a priest in everybody”[ii], but Einstein enjoyed playing the devil more. He changed facts to fit his theory. In fact, he said: “If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.” When intellect grows autocratic, and begin to preach lie in name of truth, it become a disease of life. When someone raises himself to such great power or heights that Einstein or Hitler all suddenly acquired, there is cause of concern. In the course of a relatively few years, we are amazed to see how from a patent clerk he took  his way into the physics, hoodwink other scientists, turn physics into metaphysics, control the physics, and convert the physics  into philosophy.  How could one, in a short period of time, hope to unravel the mysteries of universe without underlying some spiritual transformation?  We all already know how irrational thinking gave birth to bogus religions, produced bogus revolutions and how fanatics blindly accepted them. As honest servants of science, we all need to research and expose how Albert Einstein became hailed as both the greatest scientist of all time and the greatest man of the 20th century.


Placebo Effect


The placebo effect puzzles researchers, but it may turn out to be a key here to our understanding of the link between the popularity of the theory of the relativity and its followers, their intention, belief, expectation and responses. I think relativity has got the “Placebo effect” which has served as another powerful tool to enhance the popularity of Einstein and his relativity theory. There have been many well documented experiments in which patients who got ordinary sugar pills had the same healing results as patients who were given the real medicine. Therefore, it is not surprise that those who have never read or understood theory of relativity has the same result as physicists who have received  the real doses of instruction in relativity as a part of their profession.


Einstein lived life of miracles in two ways. He believed:  “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Many examples show how a spiritual authority claimed himself to be God and great miracles started to happen when people prayed to him, it might very well be due to the Placebo effect and/or the power of faith. Miracles and divine states can be received through pure faith. This has been described as “you get what you believe” and “faith can move mountains”. This explains why several “false gurus” like Einstein, who are far from being in a higher state, can have followers or devotees who are in fantastic states, hundreds of times higher than that of the guru. It is this firm conviction that Einstein had a secret mission and was under the guidance and protection of cosmic forces which was responsible in large part for the contagious and hypnotic effect he has had on the community of physicists. Einstein had great faith in role of conditioning in teaching. He stated his principle of pedagogy in these words: “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”[iii] It seems that it was a true confession and his followers realized its significance and implications. They began to worship Einstein as they had grounds for far greater concern with their master than that aroused by his putative theory of relativity. It makes little difference for our purpose whether he actually spoke these words or not at a particular time. In this sentence he has summed up in a very few words an attitude which only a priest can express artfully to expand his cult. The course of conditioning prescribed by Einstein won him many followers, carried him over many unraveled roads to the  mystery of space and time which finally led him to a pinnacle of success and power never reached before by anyone. He has gone up in history as the most worshipped and the most rhapsodized scientist the world has ever known. Apart from Faith, Placebo and King’s suit syndrome, there are other factors that can be the reason for the popularity of Einstein and his relativity theory.


It is not difficult to imagine that Einstein might just suffered from megalomania – he thought he was unbelievably special and alone could dominate the scientific world by his religion of relativity. Such megalomania can also be partly unconscious and can be observed in life of self styled ‘Gurus’ who have declared themselves as God. In the beginning, as the followers approach the guru with a mind set of surrender, they find him great and divine and don’t get tired of seeing his works as beautiful, excellent and magnificent.  Soon by conditioning, they start to see miracles, and high states after praying to him – which they probably get through their own Faith, Placebo, and King’s new suit syndrome – then, the guru might actually begin to think he is great priest and messenger of god. The step is not far from later claiming to be the God. It is also highly tempting for the ego of the guru. It is said that even angels are capable of falling. A few person can  understand why Einstein was so hostile to the idea of 'personal god'. He didn’t like other God as probably, Einstein himself had latent ambition of being only one God in the world of physics. It is unfortunate that he died before declaring himself to be a God.


Emperor's-New-Clothes Syndrome


Robert L. Henderson, an electrical engineer by profession, has explored the Hoax of Einstein's Theories of Relativity in his new book entitled “Einstein and the Emperor's-New-Clothes Syndrome: The Exposé of a Charlatan”.  He suggests that Einstein's relativity theories are incorrect.


On the basis of above observations, my final argument against Einstein is that Theory of Relativity is a religion and Einstein himself stands like a great priest in “Emperor’s New Suit”[iv]. Who would dare to say that Emperor was actually nude in his so called invisible cloths? Against the suggestion of swindlers, no one could dare to admit that he was stupid and   he was unfit to his profession. That would indeed be the most horrible thing that could happen to anyone, so it was better to admire Emperor’s new suit as something: “…magnificent, beautiful, excellent…” Conditioned by swindlers, everybody exclaimed: “How well new cloth woven by swindlers look! How well they fit!” “What a beautiful pattern! What fine colors! That is a magnificent suit of clothes!  “And the colors! The colors of that beautiful fabric! I have never seen anything like it in my life!”


The story teller Hans Christian Andersen narrates the end of the story “Emperor’s New Suit“ as follows:


 “Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never emperor’s clothes were more admired. They all tried to conceal their disappointment at not being able to see the clothes, and since nobody was willing to admit his own stupidity and incompetence, they all behaved as the two scoundrels had predicted.


A child, however, who had no important job and could only see things as his eyes showed them to him, went up to the carriage.

“But he has nothing on at all, the Emperor is naked,” said the little child at last.

“Fool!” his father reprimanded, running after him. “Don't talk nonsense!” He grabbed his child and took him away. But the boy's remark, which had been heard by the bystanders, was repeated over and over again.  

 “Good heavens! Listen to the voice of an innocent child,” said the father, and one whispered to the other what the child had said. Everybody cried “emperor is nude.” The story ends here.


Thus, we can understand now under influence of Emperor’s New Cloth syndrome, how the cult of relativists applauds Theory of Relativity today:


What a piece of work is theory of relativity! What a great theory! No errors!  No exceptions! Rigorously tested! What a genius Albert Einstein! The most brilliant man ever walked on earth! How noble in reason and inspiration! How infinite in faculties! How express and admirable in action, the beauty of the world of physics, and the paragon of 20th century!”


So the story “Emperor’s New Suit” fits well to the reality of relativity. Never any man and any theory of physics have been more admired. No physicist would wish to let others know that he didn’t find anything revolutionary in Relativity, even something worthy to understand, for then he would be unfit for being a physicist or too stupid. They all try to maintain their integrity at not being able to see the errors in relativity, and since no physicist is willing to admit his own stupidity and incompetence; they all behave as the two swindlers had predicted.

Ever since Einstein invented his theory of relativity in 1905 and opened the door to the mystical realm, many wise men began to protest against him and held Einstein responsible for undermining experimental character of science that gradually led physics into realm of metaphysics. In an attempt to understand physical realm, Einstein strayed much into fantasy which is evident from his quote: “The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.” As a consequence of it, much more followed later, when cosmology also completely strayed into fantasy of Big Bang, black holes, dark matter, dark energy etc. Since then, many books have been written that really exposes falsity of theory of relativity. To sum up, everyone pretends to understand Relativity, but no one really does, largely because of inherent fallacies in it as exposed by Professor Herbert  Dingle, Jack Sarfatti, Petr Beckmann, Erik J. Lange, Kaman George Kamenov, Tom Bethell, Al Kelly, Henderson, and many others including me. By exposing falsity of relativity theory contrary to physicists, many professors, journalists, and authors among us have shown necessary courage to go against theory of relativity, the religion of Einstein, I congratulate all of them as they have really served the science in honest manner.


If you are still interested in mysticism of relativity and want to lose your scientific temper, just read theory of relativity or modern cosmology based on that but if you are dedicated to noble cause of reformation of science, if you are not interested in demonism, it is your duty to expose Einstein’s priest craft and priesthood of physics which has done disservice to science by ending wonderful Newtonian era that was full of true scientific spirit, creativity, experimentation, and scientific rigor. Let us hope, with reinvention of perpetual motion, we would be back to our golden times.


As destiny would have it, time has yet not helped our noble cause and concerns to topple Einstein’s religion. So far, we have failed to convince a single scientist to change his thinking about Einstein and his theory of relativity and convert him into anti-relativist or a perpetual motionist. We all have to be patient. They all stand at high ivory dais and still deaf to the loud cries of a perpetual motionist. But as story of Hans Christian Andersen shows, who knows one day some innocent  ‘child’ unaffected by King’s New suit syndrome among us would really succeed to expose hoax of Einstein entirely and convince rest of the scientist that emperor (Einstein) is really nude and his clothes (theories of relativity), rhapsodized as “most beautiful, excellent in the world” doesn’t exist! We, perpetual motionists,  are also aware of our finitude as we stand like a 'child' in the front of an emperor or priest like Einstein! Nevertheless, we should not be skeptical about mighty worth of a ‘child’. The child has immense concealed potentiality that when fully grown up can counter any force. We, Indians have heard many inspiring legends from our grand mother, e.g.  how Krishna, at his juvenile age, killed demon-ness Putana or how he killed demon Kansa and reestablished kingdom of Mathura.  We need to establish perpetual motion in the kingdom of physics. Let us remember what Great English poet Wordsworth once said: “The Child is the father of man.”[v]


[i] Gabriel James Byrne (born May 12, 1950) is an Irish actor, film director, film producer, writer, cultural ambassador and audiobook narrator.

[ii] Gabriel Byrne famous quote.

“I think there's a bit of the devil in everybody. There's a bit of a priest in everybody, too, but I enjoyed playing the devil more. He was more fun.”

Read more:


[iii] Famous Einstein’s quote but we have problem of finding original source. on Einstein quote says that “No source is given, and none of the other books I saw gave a source either.” “Earliest published source I find is the 1968 book Training within the organization: a study of company policy and procedures for the systematic training of operators and supervisors which on p. 126 says: "It was probably in the latter sense that Professor Einstein in talking about teaching once remarked: 'I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.' "


[iv] Hans Christian Andersen: The Emperor's New Suit (1837)




          My heart leaps up when I behold

          A rainbow in the sky:

          So was it when my life began;

          So is it now I am a man;

          So be it when I shall grow old,

          Or let me die!

          The Child is father of the Man;

          I could wish my days to be

          Bound each to each by natural piety.

-Wordworth 1802